雅思寫作 2019-10-30閱讀(11077)
很多同學在寫作,尤其是在寫有關提建議的主題時,總喜歡用這樣的表達:You should......, You shouldn’t...... 可是如果整篇文章從頭到尾都是用“should”,總感覺不是很好。在中文里,多次重復稱為排比,強調,加重語氣??墒怯⑽暮椭形氖怯幸欢ú町愋缘?。中文多重復,而英文強調語言和詞匯的變化,同樣的意思總是變換不同的表達方式。那么,表達“應該”這一意思除了用“should”“ought to”,還有可以什么別的表達嗎?
今天我們就來學習一個新的短語:be supposed to do sth. 意思是應該做某事。should和be supposed to都有應該的意思,那么他們的區別在哪呢?下面我們就來一探究竟!
be supposed to:to be expected or required to do sth according to a rule, a custom, an arrangement, ect. (按規定,習慣,安排等) 應當,應該,強調的是外在的壓力或者看法,是他人要求你應該如何做;
should and ought to: both are used to say that something is the best thing or the right thing to do,應該做某事;是從自身出發,自己主觀覺得應該怎么做。下面我們通過例句來加深理解。
I have not seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a great movie.
You are not supposed to walk on the grass.
I should exercise more.
You should work hard to catch up with your classmates.
例1和例2指的是他人認為以及外在道德對我們的要求,所以這里選用be supposed to。而例3和例4更多的是我們自己覺得應該怎么做,更多的是我們對自身的要求,而不是別人強加給我們的,所以用should。
現在,我們已經了解了關于should和be supposed to的一些細微差別,而實際上,我們寫作的過程中并不會去考慮這么多,should和be supposed to大多數情況下是可以互換使用的,尤其是在寫作的時候。此外,be supposed to have done 和 should have done 一樣,都有“本應該做某事而沒有做”的意思。下面我們通過更多的例句來了解這一短語的用法吧~
The government is supposed to face the challenges bravely and to comply with the international trend.
There is no one who can tell people what they are supposed to do, which makes the citizens feel puzzled.
學完例句,現在我們將通過雅思真題來看看在寫作時如何實現should和be supposed to之間的轉換。
Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
此次寫作話題有關政府與環境問題,在各類英語考試中,環境問題一直是熱點考點,雅思考試也不例外。在這一題目中,出現了“should”這個詞。在雅思寫作的第一段,如果同學們不知道如何下手,就可以復述題目的意思,所謂的復述就是用不同的單詞來表達一樣的意思,然后再提出自己的觀點。這樣子我們就可以用“be supposed to”來代替“should”?,F在我們來看第一段該如何改寫:
As for various environment-related issues, it seems to reach a consensus that government is supposed to take initiatives to help their fellow citizens establish a green living environment. However, it is also advised that individuals are given compelling responsibilities to preserve the local environment they reside in. I firmly agree with it.
那么,今天我們學習的be supposed to 你會用了嗎?
本文供稿:原翠燕 新航道南寧學校
上一篇:托福閱讀|托福閱讀是先看題還是先看文章? 下一篇:雅思口語 part3 雙邊討論話題和寫作 task 2的關聯性