托福閱讀 2019-10-24閱讀(5735)
例如TPO29-01這篇文章:“ The History of Waterpower 水利的歷史”,這篇文章共七段,開篇首段并沒像大多數文章那樣采用Introduction引入段,而是直截了當,開門見山地指出至少在公元前5世紀,“水輪water wheel”就已作為最早的水利應用裝置出現并投入使用,即“a waterwheel that raised water for irrigation in attached jars. The device appears to have evolved no later than the fifth century B.C., perhaps independently in different regions of the Middle and Far East”。
接下來的六段,作者根據時間的推移,按順序描述了水利應用技術及裝置發展演進的過程,包括:最早的水車在公元前1,2世紀在不同的地域先后產生了,“The earliest waterpower mills were probably vertical-axis mills for grinding corn, known as Norse or Greek mills, which seem to have appeared during the first or second century B.C. in the Middle East and a few centuries later in Scandinavia;
水車應用并不僅僅局限于農業,而是在不同產業均有使用,“Raising water and grinding corn were by no means the only uses of the waterpower mill, and during the following centuries, the applications of waterpower kept pace with the developing technologies of mining, iron working, paper making, and the wool and cotton industries”;
進入蒸汽時代后水利應用前景一度暗淡,然而在一個世紀后又再現了繁榮,“The coal-fired steam engine was taking over, and the waterwheel was fast becoming obsolete. However, a century later the picture was completely different”;
隨后1832年法拉利發現電磁感應現象,電動渦輪機相繼成功問世,“In 1832, the year of Michael Faraday’s discovery that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field, a young French engineer patented a new and more efficient waterwheel and his device was the first successful water turbine”;
文章最后描述了1881年世界第一個公用事業發電廠使用的正是水利發電,之后則因河水水量波動變化不可靠很快被蒸汽動力所取代,“In 1881, the Godalming power station in Surrey, England, on the banks of the Wey River, created the world’s first public electricity supply. The power source of this most modern technology was a traditional waterwheel. Unfortunately this early plant experienced the problem common to many forms of renewable energy: the flow in the Wey River was unreliable, and the waterwheel was soon replaced by a steam engine.”
例如TPO43-01 The Empire of Alexander The Great亞歷山大大帝的帝國,這篇文章是非常典型的總分結構。全文共6段,首段開篇明義總述了亞歷山大大帝通過東征建立了一個前無古人的遼闊帝國,隨后施行了一系列改革,給其帝國帶來了幾項影響深遠的后果“consequences”,對應首段最后一句總結句“Alexander’s actions had several important consequences for the region occupied by the empire.”
接下來就開始“分“項描述,第2段說明了第1個影響即the first consequence: 希臘文明在中東區域得以廣泛擴張傳播,對應第2段首句中心句”The first of these was the expansion of Greek civilization throughout the Middle East”;
第3段和第4段記敘了第2個影響the second consequence,即傳統希臘城邦政體的終結,以及城邦所代表的一切,對應第三段的首句“Second, this internationalism spelled the end of the classical Greek city-state - the unit of government in ancient Greece - and everything it stood for;同時人才發展模式發生轉變,原先為人所重視的“通才”在國際化發展之后不再適用,逐漸被職業化的專才所取代,對應第四段首句: “This implied that the city-state was based on the idea that citizens were not specialists but had multiple interests and talents — each a so-called jack-of-all-trades who could engage in many areas of life and politics ”;
第5段和第6段描述了第3個影響the third consequence: 希臘的哲學理念與中東世界的宗教思想互相融合,形成了新的文明并擴散到了全世界,對應著第5段首句“Third, Greek philosophy was opened up to the philosophy and religion of the East.”以及第6段的最后一句總結句“The combination of the religious instinct of Asia with the philosophic spirit of Greece spread across the world in the era after Alexander’s death, blending the culture of the Middle East with the culture of Greece”。
這種類型的歷史文章其文章摘要題一般比較好預判,即要求考生能夠概括出文章主要描述的那幾個重要的 consequences 或 effects,如果恰好是三個的話,那么一一對應選出來就好,如果consequences或effects多于三個,那么出題者通常會把其中幾個進行兩兩合并,匯總成一個句子;或者是在諸個后果或影響中選擇出三個最重要的,設置成三個句子作為正確答案。
比如The Empire of Alexander The Great亞歷山大大帝的帝國這篇文章,它的六選三正確答案分別是:
B. Increasing urbanization and the elimination of trade barriers meant the end of the Greek city-state and the creation of a much larger political and economic body;
D. The expansion of Alexander’s empire led to the diffusion of Greek language, literature, and thought throughout the Middle East;
E. The empire saw the birth of a new culture, merging Greek philosophical ideas with the religious spirit of Asia.
例如TPO49-03 The Background of Industrial Revolution 工業革命的背景這篇文章,文章共6段,第1段先總述工業革命由于經濟方面的積淀是在歐洲發端的,“The Industrial Revolution had several roots, one of which was a commercial revolution that, beginning as far back as the sixteenth century, accompanied Europe’s expansion overseas.”然后將話題自然而然地引向了英國,說明工業革命最初在英國興起絕非偶然,在歐洲取得優勢的基礎上,英國的經濟體制更加強勁穩固,“Europe’s economic institutions, particularly those in England, were strong, had wealth available for new investment, and seemed almost to be waiting for some technological breakthrough that would expand their profit-making potential even more.”
從第2段起,文章每一段都闡述了一個或幾個英國特有的,而其他歐洲列強所不具備的獨特優勢,其中包括:對外而言,英國處在國際貿易的十字交叉口,對內而言,英國擁有縱橫交錯,運輸成本低廉便利的水道“One was its geographic location at the crossroads of international trade. Internally, Britain was endowed with easily navigable natural waterway, which helped its trade and communication with the world…… it enjoyed a boom in canal building, which helped make its domestic market more accessible”;
英國還富含某些歐洲國家所稀缺的煤礦資源,給工廠提供了能源供給且刺激了工業和消費產品的激增,“Great Britain also had rich deposits of coal that fed the factories springing up in industrial and consumer goods”;大量來自鄉村的高流動性人口為產業工人提供了充足的來源,“Another advantage was Britain’s large population of rural, agricultural wage earners, as well as cottage workers, who had the potential of being more mobile than peasants of some other countries”;
除此之外,英國還擁有更加發達的銀行和信用系統以及大量企業家和發明家等等,“Great Britain’s better-developed banking and credit system also helped speed the industrial progress, as did the fact that it was the home of an impressive array of entrepreneurs and inventors”.
例如 The Background of Industrial Revolution 工業革命的背景這篇文章的六選三正確答案分別是:
A. The expansion of international trade from the sixteenth century on greatly stabilized the European economy;
B. Intense consumer activity and sound government institutions enabled mechanized labor to develop in Great Britain
E. British entrepreneurs invented a new system of banking that led to rapid economic growth.
例如TPO07-02 Ancient Rome and Greece 古代羅馬與希臘這篇文章,全文在政治體制,歷史發展,文化藝術等多個方面不斷地將古羅馬與古希臘這兩個歐洲文明史上的”雙子星”進行類比,包括,“ Whereas Greece had grown from scores of scattered cities, Rome grew from one single organism. ” 希臘是從二十多個分散的城邦發展而來,然而羅馬則是從單一的有機體成長起來; “While the Greek world had expanded along the Mediterranean seas lanes, the Roman world was assembled by territorial conquest ”希臘是沿著地中海的海上航線擴張的,而羅馬帝國則是通過陸地領土的占領而壯大 ;“The key to the Greek world lay in its high-powered ships; the key to Roman power lay in its marching legions. “理解希臘世界的關鍵是其強大的船隊,而理解羅馬的關鍵則是他們行進的軍團;“The Greeks were wedded to the sea; the Romans, to the land. The Greek was a sailor at heart; the Roman, a landsman.”希臘人緊緊守著海洋,本質上是天生的水手,而羅馬人死守著陸地,本質上路上的強兵。
本文供稿:王凡 新航道西安學校